T1   Persimmon Connections finds the best T1, Cable, Fiber Ethernet, DS3, Managed Security or other carrier service: the most appropriate carrier and their best plan for your needs. Our team of T1, Cable, fiber, DS3, OCx, MPLS, Ethernet line service experts will help. After you submit your information and obtain price quotes, an Authorized Product Specialist will analyze your needs and assist you in evaluating Carriers and their plans. Because of our volume, providers give you their best prices through us, compete against one another for your business, and they pay us a commission allowing us to offer our services at no cost to you.

We respect your privacy

T1Guy.com, powered by ShopforT1's GeoQuote technology, regards your privacy as the first step in building a long term relationship of trust and loyalty. Our GeoQuote(tm) technology enables you to query the databases of over a dozen nationwide and regional T1 service providers in real-time. In order to perform this calculation for you, we require a nominal amount of personal data.

What happens to my information once I submit it to GeoQuote?

Just seconds after you submit your information, GeoQuote goes to work. A page of qualifying T1 service providers (without the names of the providers) will appear, with links to obtain detailed information about the plans you are viewing. After your price quote is obtained, GeoQuote stores the data you entered in our ulta-secure database. No third party can access our database so you can rest assured that you will not receive annoying phone calls or emails from multiple providers after entering your information here!

At the end of the process, your information is securely assigned to a member of our in-house consulting staff. That consultant will attempt to contact you via your preferred contact method in order to discuss your situation and find the right product at the right price. Helping you get a great rate on a T1 line is our first priority and you can rest assured that our team of trained and experienced consultants will give you the unbiased research you deserve.

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Princeton, NJ 08540

 Finding the Right T1 Provider

Written by: Patrick Oborn - May 3, 2024

Telecommunications contracts can be much like a marriage and as we all know there are good and bad marriages. The fact is, when you enter into a telecommunications contract with a T1 provider for reasonable amount of bandwidth or voice service you will have to enter into a long term contract. Telecommunications contracts for T1's and T3's typically range from 1 year to 3 years. Anything longer than a 3 year contract is usually only seen in very large applications like OC3 and OC12 or complex frame relay connections with many nodes. While the term of the contract will not be a problem if you have the right provider, the contract could prove extremely burdensome with the wrong provider.

We suggest using a broker to walk you through your options and show you the providers and services available. A broker or independent agent can help reduce the time it takes you to shop around for a T1 provider by asking you the questions once and searching through multiple providers to get the service that is right for you. The agent helps steer clear of the bias you will receive when speaking with one vendor as the agent will be paid no matter which service you choose. As the agent doesn't work with a specific provider like AT&T or Sprint, he or she will not push you in that direction if they are not right for you.

Remember that the t1 provider you select will be your partner for quite some time so take caution in your decision. The worst part of being with a bad provider is the fact that it will affect your business. Dropped calls or an internet connection that goes down can be disastrous to a business. We found that the larger companies like AT&T and Sprint will release companies from long term contracts it if is shown that the voice or data T1 service was faulty on a regular basis, however the release from such a contract will not help recoup the damages of the lost calls and e-mails from the poor service. When shopping for a T1 provider we suggest using a broker and asking for referrals from current customers to give you an indication of what you can expect.