T1   Persimmon Connections finds the best T1, Cable, Fiber Ethernet, DS3, Managed Security or other carrier service: the most appropriate carrier and their best plan for your needs. Our team of T1, Cable, fiber, DS3, OCx, MPLS, Ethernet line service experts will help. After you submit your information and obtain price quotes, an Authorized Product Specialist will analyze your needs and assist you in evaluating Carriers and their plans. Because of our volume, providers give you their best prices through us, compete against one another for your business, and they pay us a commission allowing us to offer our services at no cost to you.
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You have reached the first instantaneous business T1 quote tool. T1 Guy gives you free impartial circuit pricing for T1, cable, and fiber technologies to help you find the optimal service for your needs. A sales consultant will contact you to review quote details, to confirm pricing and to sign you up. You are welcome to call us anytime using the Contact Us link above. If we don't answer, we will return your call or text in a timely manner.

About Our Company

Who We Are
T1guy.com provides you with a one-stop quote system which provides instant T1 and DS3 data line service price quotes for network or internet circuits. It quotes and gives price comparisons for T1, bonded T1, cable, Integrated T1, fractional T3, burstable DS3, full DS3, Fast Ethernet, OC3 and Gig-E circuits whether they are for data, voice, PRI, Internet Access, SD-WAN, point-to-point circuits, MPLS or collocation facilities. Having to contact numerous carriers and then to wait days or weeks to receive availability and pricing quotes for your Data or Voice service are a thing of the past. We are your one-stop web site for a gratis analysis of you requirements. We give you solutions that will meet your needs in a cost-effective manner.

What We Do
Behind our instant price estimate tool is a team of Telecom service experts ready to help you find the best solution for your telecommunications needs. Shortly after you submit your information to obtain a price quote, an experienced Telecom consultant will contact you to review your situation, analyze your needs, and give you unbiased research on the carriers and plan options for your location(s). Our partner carriers and cable companies offer their lowest possible prices through us. Whether the fit for your circumstances is T1, cable, or fiber technology, making an informed decision is easy and quick given the information we provide. We will be available during all phases of service, from the decision making process, the application and credit approval process, the installation process, the ongoing contract period, to the end of your contract and the next analysis of your options. If you need help in dealing with the carrier or in deciding on options in the future, we are here to help. Because of the large volume of business that we bring to the carriers, we are better able to resolve any difficulty between you and the carrier. We are not tied to any one carrier and will recommend those carriers which can best satisfy your Telecom needs.

Where We're Going
Our T1 experts continue in their commitment to bring to you the best T1 pricing tools available. A team of programmers remains in constant contact with our T1 providers to update rates, coverage area, and specials or promotions. We are committed to assist you in every aspect of Telecom carrier relationships.

If you need to contact us for any reason, please, don't hesitate to call or email us at your earliest convenience. We will do all in our capacity to respond to your inquiry immediately.

By Phone: (609) 333-6932

By Email: Go to our Contact Page

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Princeton, NJ 08540

 T1 Internet Service Do's and Dont's

Written by: Patrick Oborn - Mar 31, 2025

While Dave Letterman may never read this list on his show, we've created a Top 10 list of California T1 Internet Providers. In our review of service providers we considered reliability, customer support, provisioning and financial stability. In our opinion a top provider of services will have a high rating in each of the categories. Unfortunately some of the providers we found were regional providers and may not be near you but two of them are so good you may just want to move closer to be on their network!

The top company in our survey was Telepacific. The only downside to this company is the fact that they only offer service in California and Las Vegas. Telepacific received top marks in all four or our categories and is what we recommend most to customers in California. The second carrier in our list was USLEC. Like our fist pick USLEC is a regional player offering services in the south and on the eastern seaboard. USLEC was founded and is run by engineers. These people have a passion for getting it right and keeping their customers happy. Number three on our list is New Edge Networks. New Edge is a national player found predominantly in metro areas. New Edge is large enough to be a strong player but still small enough to treat customers like a small company.

Our number four position goes to Netifice, formerly Epoch. Again, a small Tier 1 player but excellent service nationwide. Number five position goes to ACC Business. Available everywhere in the continental US, ACC used the ATT network exclusively and provides a high level of service. Positions six through ten when in the following order: Telarus, Sprint, Xspedius, PNG, and Megapath. When looking for a reliable provider you should be comfortable with any of these. Make sure you speak to your broker about the strengths and weaknesses of each carrier. While our rankings were based evenly on the four criteria mentioned at the beginning of the article you may decide that some criteria are more important to you than others. Good luck in your search.