T1   Persimmon Connections finds the best T1, Cable, Fiber Ethernet, DS3, Managed Security or other carrier service: the most appropriate carrier and their best plan for your needs. Our team of T1, Cable, fiber, DS3, OCx, MPLS, Ethernet line service experts will help. After you submit your information and obtain price quotes, an Authorized Product Specialist will analyze your needs and assist you in evaluating Carriers and their plans. Because of our volume, providers give you their best prices through us, compete against one another for your business, and they pay us a commission allowing us to offer our services at no cost to you.

We respect your privacy

T1Guy.com, powered by ShopforT1's GeoQuote technology, regards your privacy as the first step in building a long term relationship of trust and loyalty. Our GeoQuote(tm) technology enables you to query the databases of over a dozen nationwide and regional T1 service providers in real-time. In order to perform this calculation for you, we require a nominal amount of personal data.

What happens to my information once I submit it to GeoQuote?

Just seconds after you submit your information, GeoQuote goes to work. A page of qualifying T1 service providers (without the names of the providers) will appear, with links to obtain detailed information about the plans you are viewing. After your price quote is obtained, GeoQuote stores the data you entered in our ulta-secure database. No third party can access our database so you can rest assured that you will not receive annoying phone calls or emails from multiple providers after entering your information here!

At the end of the process, your information is securely assigned to a member of our in-house consulting staff. That consultant will attempt to contact you via your preferred contact method in order to discuss your situation and find the right product at the right price. Helping you get a great rate on a T1 line is our first priority and you can rest assured that our team of trained and experienced consultants will give you the unbiased research you deserve.

© 2004-2023 Persimmon Connections - All Rights Reserved
Princeton, NJ 08540

 Thank Goodness for GeoQuote!

Written by: Patrick Oborn - Mar 31, 2025

ShopForT1.com today announced the grand launch of the long anticipated Real-Time quote engine designed to give the T1 shopper instant feedback, with 95% accurate loop pricing. Real time T1 prices have not existed until now. Many brokers claim to deliver real time information but the closest anyone has come to real time has been a page that you can check back and see vendors fills in prices the following 48 hours from when you entered your request.

"The real-time shopping model works" commented Adam Edwards, CEO of ShopForT1.com. "The travel industry is a perfect example of how the internet can enable everyday people to access very complicated databases. Now, we are pleased to bring instant gratification to those looking to price T1 lines." Apart from allowing people to research rates, ShopForT1.com also has a number of other unique features; most notably the ability to track leads referred by online affiliates and direct them to one of many part-time "closer" agents for personal care. This functionality allows ShopForT1.com to improve the shopping experience, opens the door for online affiliates to earn residual commissions by driving traffic, and manages professional part-time sales agents from all over the country.

"Many people have asked how exactly we figure out T1 pricing, since it is so sensitive to the geographic location of each customer with relation to the carriers' physical equipment. Our T1 Quote software is able to calculate the distance from any location in the continental United States to any of our providers' Points of Presence (POPs). From there, we use proprietary pricing algorithms to convert the distance into a price" commented Patrick Oborn, CTO of ShopForT1.com.